Welcome to the fascinating world of whimsical – version #2


Welcome to Sunday on my blog

Good morning, All. Last weekend I shared with you that I am participating in another online class by the wonderful Tamara Laporte. One that Tam calls ‘Winter Soul Flakes’. The idea behind this particular class is to create a mixed media art pieces, all winter inspired and showing three girls and their furry friends. By the way, winter is o.k. as long as it is on paper. Now, that doesn’t sound too exciting all together, right? But the challenge is to create these three girls all with different shades of skin tones i.e. from very light to pretty dark. I started with the light skinned version, which I showed you last week, as seen here. Once finished I immediately started on the next one. Which, of course, was to be different, but similar, if that makes sense.

However, then – Washington D.C. happened. I had a work related seminar in D.C. on Monday and Tuesday, so David and I decided to spend the weekend exploring the city. It was the first time for both of us and an awesome experience, but – no time for painting. Instead lots and lots of museums and sightseeing. I will share our photos and experiences with you in another post. The only one I’ll share with you today is this proof that we paid our respects to President Lincoln. After we had been asked by at least four strangers to take their photos it was my turn. I handed my trusty iPhone to another tourist, who was kind enough to shoot this photo of us.

We got back Tuesday night pretty late, just in time to have something to eat and fall into bed. But Wednesday morning – yup, I continued working on the below painting. I wasn’t sure if I could finish it in time and sure enough I missed my Friday parties, but – I called it ‘done’ last night. So, here it is now.

Want to guess what I’ll be doing today? Exactly, starting my work on girl number three. I seem to be on a roll, which hopefully will continue, so that I can show you the third one next weekend.  In the meantime if you are into painting and mixed media you may want to check out Tam’s work over on Willowing.ning. It is truly magical.

Oh, I nearly forgot. For the longest time I have been meaning to share with you the love for my latest hair color. I got this the first time in November, but you probably know how it is. Being a photographer I hate having my picture taken, the ones you see here are no exception. But every once in a while I get one that I am sort of o.k. with. Below is one of those gems 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend!Cheers,



If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

Mixed Media Winter Girl Painting #2

Created in my sketchbook using lots of tools

(Remember – you may always click on a single photo in the gallery to view it enlarged.)

17 thoughts on “Welcome to the fascinating world of whimsical – version #2”

    • Hi Christine, I read your comment and kept wondering ‘what trip photos, I only shared the Lincoln Memorial’. Then I saw that I had an older gallery in there from our Christmas trip to San Francisco 😀 – I deleted it now…

  1. I LOVE your hair. Mine is longer than yours and salt and pepper. I want to try what you did now!! Your second girl is beautiful. Looks like DC was great fun. Good pics.

  2. I love the Photo … you and your hair are beautiful and you make a wonderful pair. Happiness shows on your faces. As for your mixed media painting … she is adorable, gorgeous, superb and many other complimentary terms I can’t think of at the moment. I will have to go back to meet last weeks girl as I must have missed it. Always enjoy my trips over to see you. (I would have though Lincoln would be frowning given what is happening to his country 🙁 …

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  3. I think your hair is fabulous! And so is your painting. I think you should put your hair colors on one of your winter girls, or at least a frosty pink.

  4. Love your hair. Makes me want to try to grow mine out and do something similar – blue maybe. 🙂
    The girl is adorable. Love these paintings and can’t wait to see #3.

  5. I love your Wintry artwork. You have captured the icy tones and feel. I can see these images in a book.
    Your hair reflects your artistry. You and David are adorable. Hugs, my creative friend.

  6. Claudia,

    This illustration is wonderful, too. You really do do good work. I love the rich pigmentation of the colors you used. I can’t wait to explore adding color to my sketches. I know this in itself is a step-by-step process and I have much to learn about how to apply colors in layers to achieve the look I want. Oh your hair color is so fun! I sorta want to do something like this at least once in my life but I’m too conservative to take the plunge. Maybe I can get crazy for the day with a wash out kind of hair color. 🙂 You had mentioned that you wish you had a story to illustrate. I bet you could come up with something from your childhood. Share a memory of your favorite Christmas in Germany or some tale that was passed to you by your grandparents. These sorts of stories would be awesome to set your imagination on fire!

  7. Lovely painting, Claudia! Tamara’s work is lovely and she is a great teacher. Your ombre-look hair is beautiful! I’m currently growing out my silvers and, when I’m finally rid of all the dyed brown ends, I plan to play with temporary colours like pinks, purples, and blues in my silver-white hair. What fun!

  8. She is SO beautiful! Stunning. If I didn’t say it last week, THIS STYLE fits you OH so well! I hope to see you doing more. Looks like you had a great work trip, too! Wonderful to see a photo of you. 🙂


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