What is your favorite season for a spa getaway?

Welcome to my s~A(R)T~urday linky party – today: Listen to the art

“The whole culture is telling you to hurry, while the art tells you to take your time. Always listen to the art.”
~ Junot Diaz ~

L ast weekend we spent a few days away from home. Living by the words that I ‘preach’ (see my previous article) we took some time to ourselves at a destination spa. It was my birthday weekend and David’s gift to me (and us) was to indulge in relaxing treatments, massage, steam bath, sauna, meditation, yoga, art classes, great food and wonderful company – not necessarily in this order.

We both took Friday off work, so we could sleep in, have breakfast and then slowly drive out to the Pennsylvania Poconos. About two hours later, basically in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nature, forest and next to a small lake we got to the Lodge At Woodloch. It wasn’t our first time at this spa. We had been here for David’s birthday last June, and we liked it so much that we returned. And may I just say – I hope it wasn’t the last visit either.

Here are some of the few photos I took. First off the summer photos and then for your direct comparison the ones I took this past weekend with ice, a little snow and hardly any green. But still very beautiful.

Woodloch Lodge (4)  Woodloch Lodge (3) Woodloch LodgeWoodloch Lodge Woodloch Lodge

Woodloch Lodge Lake, clouds, reflection

Summer at the lake

[Tweet “No matter the season, there is always beauty to be found in nature.”]

Winter – ice on the lake

Lake cloud reflection panorama

woodloch winter  woodloch winter

woodloch winter woodloch winter  woodloch winter woodloch winter woodloch winter
So, tell me – would you rather spend summer or winter at the Woodloch Lodge Spa?

 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

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I hope that over time we will be building a community dedicated to art and creating. I rather like these words said by Andy Warhol:


Don’t think about making art, just get it done.

Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. 

While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


34 thoughts on “What is your favorite season for a spa getaway?”

  1. First, let me say how I love these photos. I almost, almost felt like I was there. I could feel the experience of being at the lake. Beautiful. Thank you, my friend. I would love to visit in the Summer. I would go out fishing, then wander around soaking up nature and all of its gifts. Yes…I would love every minute of it. Hug.

  2. It looks so peaceful there. Your pictures are wonderful. I could use a spa about now. Perhaps wait until after I dig out of the snow here so far. I see you have snow now too! 🙂

  3. High!
    cooocooo, hier bin ich!
    Schöne Bilder hast Du.
    Zu Deiner Frage nach der Ewigkeit meiner Blogs ….. da sag ich nix dazu. Wenn mich jemand vertreibt…- nicht alle sind so nett wie Du – bin ich auch schnell verschwunden. Nix ist digital von Bestand, gell.
    Freundschaften aber schon.
    Friends meeet Friends habe ich eingestellt.
    Kannst das Motto gern übernehmen – das sprengt schnell den persönlichen Rahmen und es finden sich völlig inhomogen Leute ein.
    Da hatte ich gar keine lust drauf, denn wo soll das für MICH hinführen.
    Also, Du hast mich schon richtig gefunden heute. Warst übrigens genau zu der Zeit bei mir aufm Blog, als ich gerade hier am Verlinken war.
    Einsteinsche Physikgrundlagen machen die elektronische Telepathie möglich!
    Hab eine schöne Woche!

    • Hahaha – Du bist vielleicht eine Marke, Pippa 🙂 Sehr schön. Wie heisst das doch so schön ‘nichts ist so beständig wie der Wandel’. Ist manchmal lustig mit dem kommentieren und linken, oder? Mir ist das schon ein paar Mal passiert, daß wir gleichzeitig auf dem Blog des anderen waren. Kleine Welt…

  4. Great photos in either season but I would be a summer person… Don’t think I could handle the cold for too long. It’s pretty chilly and windy down here but also sunny and and bright, a nice combination. I hope to make it out this weekend, with my camera to snap a few things and maybe catch a gator or two sunning themselves on the shore somewhere. 🙂

    • I hear ya’, Susi. But you know that a hot spa or whirlpool, especially outside, gets really, really nice when there is a certain chill in the air. But, I am still with you – summer all the way.
      And did you get to take your camera for a spin? A gator or two?

  5. I have died and gone to heaven! I want to go here now. I would go to a spa getaway at any point in the year honestly. Just to get away would be the gift in itself. Thank you for sharing your special weekend. Sounds and looks like you had a wonderful birthday!

    • No, noooo…. no dying allowed! Heaven is something else, but – no. I don’t think there would ever be a time that I would say no to a spa getaway either. And yes, ‘just’ a weekend or day away can be such fun. I, well, we had a wonderful weekend, thank you.

  6. I Love the idea of showing the difference in the Seasons!! It really is making me appreciate the fact that we DO have Seasons. And that quote is so perfect I had to Tweet it. 🙂
    Now, I know this goes against the Canadian image, but as much as I love the beauty of snow reflections in Winter, I do prefer the warmer weather now in my older, feel it in my bones age. LOL However, since it has basically been over 10 years since hubby and I actually got away from the kids for more than one night: I will TAKE any vacation ANY season at this point. I don’t care if it is an ICE AGE – I will go!!! hahaha But summer would be ideal because I move slower now and it takes a long time to put on 5 layers. 🙂
    I heated things up a bit this weekend. I wasn’t feeling the beachie vibes; probably because it has been so long for me since being at an actual tropical beach. I needed a bit of a jolt of Hot! 😉

    • Hehehe – and guess what, I had not planned to show both seasons. But being a little uninspired and looking at the panorama I remembered that I had taken almost the exact same photo a few months earlier – and so the idea was born.
      YOU are talking about ‘older, feel it in the bones age’, you just wait till you get to MY age! 😀 Layers – don’t get me started. I seem to have reached that mythical age that only women get, and I am not liking it one bit.

  7. Your photos are amazing!

    I didn’t have time to post new art to my blog this week Claudia – so I am sharing one of my favorite photos from my Instagram account! 🙂

    Have a lovely weekend! 🙂

  8. Good morning Claudia, stunning pictures that one day I’d love to be able to replicate. My favourites have to be of the bare tree and the grass framed against the stormy background. The spa looks lovely too, hope you had a wonderful time there.


    • Oh, I can see – you like the drama in a picture. That’s o.k. – so do I. The mood in the tree picture was pretty dramatic as is, but the one next to with the out-of-focus clouds in the background I edited a bit with textures. Since I have started to paint and draw again, my photo art is a bit on the back burner for the moment.
      I sure had a great weekend at the spa. It was quite an inspiring time, too.

  9. Thank you for linking me. I tried but couldn’t seem to get to your current post … I kept coming up on the Blue Lady, so I foolishly thought, perhaps you didn’t post this week. But, now that I am here, I love what I see and drool at the idea of a weekend at a spa … a massage would feel really good right now. Like others have said , this experience is wonderful whatever the weather … it’s the opportunity that is hard to grasp. Your pictures are wonderful even if it was a last minute inspiration. The lake shots are to die for. I am going to Thailand in a few weeks and there they have street vendors who do foot massage … Of all the wonderful things I will see and do, including my son’s wedding, I am so looking forward to that foot massage 🙂 Sadly, I cannot fully enjoy those kinds of experiences because I immediately start thinking about the fact that it is going to end … I am my own worst enemy and I am old enough to know better. Thank you again, Claudia … hopefully I will have this all figured out by next weekend.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    • You are very welcome, Andrea. You are a regular here and I missed you 🙂 I will always be posting my Saturday Art link up, because I love it and love seeing all the beauty that is being linked.
      I envy you – your son’s wedding in Thailand… you are going to have such a fabulous time there. And I bet you’ll not only bring back lots of good memories, but also photos. Some of which you will hopefully share.

    • Hahaha – that’s the way we humans are, aren’t we? Those who have the hot of summer long for cold and winter and then ones having ice cold would love some sun and summer. Trust me, I can relate to that. But given a choice, and only one, I would choose your weather.

  10. oh my god amazing! I have to agree both seasons are amazing! Mike and I took our infamous hike on our anniversary and it was snowing and beautiful this October, versus sweating on it in the past etc….

    • You’re confirming that our recent weather has really been extremely weird. Snow in October, warmth and shorts for Christmas and who knows how long this snow is going to stay. I think I saw something about 56 °F again for this coming week. Oh well…

  11. Gorgeous photos, Claudia! I’m not terribly picky – I’d go whenever they’d take me 😉 I do think, though, that I’d like to go in the summer time so I could use the canoes or spend some time out exploring.

    Thanks for sharing with us at Photo Friday!


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