I am lovable, because

My past week has been very much occupied by work and relaxing after work a.k.a. slouching on the couch. I have not taken or created any pictures and I apologize for being very slack with replying to your wonderful comments and even worse, not reading what you have been up to. But this weekend is catch up time, and I am looking forward to it. There are a couple of things I want to do first and, of course, we need to have our weekend breakfast, but then – I’ll be out there on the interwebs and there may even be another installment of David’s Miltonville Mine Mystery story. So you better watch out.

But this morning, before the day really starts I thought about, started and finished a quickie. I have this calendar with Louise Hay quotes. Not all of them resonate with me at all times, but a lot of them do. And this morning I was looking at this one and thought I would share it with you, placed on one of my iPhone photos. Have a wonderful weekend, friends!

quote, louise hay, lovable



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10 thoughts on “I am lovable, because”

  1. So true!!! what a great quote. I wanna share this everywhere.
    I think a lot of heart ache in this world comes from the very simple belief that many think they are not worthy of being loved. or that they are loved. so sad!


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