rose, close up, texture

Rose photo & rose quote

“But he who dares not grasp the thorn Should never crave the rose.” ― Anne Brontë From a few weeks back, taken at the Norfolk Botanical Garden. They have such a huge and beautiful rose …

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quote, louise hay, lovable

I am lovable, because

My past week has been very much occupied by work and relaxing after work a.k.a. slouching on the couch. I have not taken or created any pictures and I apologize for being very slack with replying to …

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dream, flying, moon, full leaves

Dream of Flying

This week Leslie wants to talk about if we are more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? in her Coffee Chat. You know this is actually pretty easy to answer for me: …

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leaves, falling, autumn, fall, wind

Falling leaves

Today I wanted to be creative. Yesterday we had done all the things around the house that are usually waiting for us on the weekend. And today, Sunday, we wanted to relax, just do some …

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