Late morning skies



Painted skies, sunrise over the ocean

makes your head spin, turn around

catching sight of the full moon

bright in the late morning sky. sunrise, ocean, drama

moon, full, obx, morning


And now for the Friday Four Fill ins ~ here is from Hilary’s blog:
  1. Today is a beautiful beach day.
  2. Wind is little by little coming back and you know our vacation is all about windsurfing 🙂 – not!
  3. To have a friend you must be willing to listen more than giving advise.
  4. I wish I had as much fun as I am having these days in high school and not only goinng school, learning etc.
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29 thoughts on “Late morning skies”

  1. The pictures are stunning. I’ve been admiring the moon each morning as we leave for school/work and I wish I had my camera out. But we are usually in such a rush, I would probably be late for work if I got lost in taking pictures. 🙂

  2. I’ve been enjoying the full moon, the lunar eclipse, and other sky wonders lately. The fall truly gives us a show, both on earth and in heaven! Your shots are so beautiful and restful!

  3. Our beautiful moon. (Scarlet always asks me why we only have one!)
    I have yet to photograph it successfully. I guess I’ve never really tried. I want to do it!

    • I usually get the urge to take photos of the moon when I am on OBX. The night skies are so clear and dark there. There’s nothing much to it. Just get a tripod and expose for the moon.
      I am with Scarlett – ever since I read the Darkover (fantasy) books 🙂


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