Laundry twisties (grrrh!) WW w/linky

 Welcome to my ~ laundry twisties (grrrh!) – Instagram *iPhoneOnly* photos ~ WW Hop!

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Laundry twisties

 ImagesByCW“On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless wednesday’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it does not need any description.”

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The list of WW blog hops got a little out of hand, so I have moved it to its very own page here. Most likely you will find me linking up on any or all of these sites you will find on it.

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24 thoughts on “Laundry twisties (grrrh!) WW w/linky”

  1. Oh man, I hate when that happens, especially with little kid leggings – they are a pain in the butt to untangle. And then you have to redry everything to get the wrinkles out.

  2. OOOH!!!!!! I JUST had that problem tonight!! 4 pairs of my sons jeans and who knows how many shirts. So annoying. It makes me hate these front loaders – even if they are more energy efficient! I have damaged so much clothing because of the Twisties!! And the wrinkles!!!

    • It is not the front loader washer, Les. When we got here we had a top loader and it happened in there, too. Now the front loader washer is mostly o.k., but then there is still the dryer – sigh… damaging to the clothing and to my mood!

  3. I usually have a problem with this in the wash when I forget to do something with the loose ends of a belt and it wraps itself a zillion times around the bottom of the spindle. This is difficult to untangle for someone who is a wee bit on the short side, too. Happy Thanksgiving, Claudia!


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