Drawing a manga girl in Photoshop – WIP

Welcome to my s~A(R)T~urday linky party – today: Manga girl

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.

~ Andy Warhol ~

In preparation for the next Creative Tuesday theme I sketched this little girl in pencil in my sketchbook and then inked it (with real paper and ink). I scanned it and have now started doing the coloring work in Photoshop. I am not calling this art (yet), because really all I am doing at this point is practicing.

I also wanted to let you know that at the moment I am not getting around to respond to all your lovely comments on my posts. Lots of work and I am actually preparing a business trip to Germany. I hope you know that I am not ignoring you. I read every single comment and I will definitely be visiting your site. That is, if you left a link in the comment form.

Please leave a link in the form when you are commenting, pretty please?!

I know it is not a mandatory field, because not everybody has a blog. However with all the creative blog names  a.k.a. not resembling your actual names, it can get very hard to find you in blogosphere. I have tried, trust me, I have. But there may have been one or two that despite my best efforts I couldn’t find. So, please be easy on me and leave your blog name, will you? Thank you so much.

Anyways, back to my little manga girl. With this picture I am trying very hard to work on perspectives. Do you notice how the thumb and hand are huge compared to the rest of the little girl? And especially also compared to the hint of a landscape only penciled into the background. I am using a bit more Photoshop instead of mostly my iPad. Here I used layers and clipping masks to do the partial coloring. Mind you, I am not done with this picture. Apart from the mentioned background, also lights and shadows are still completely missing, but – it is a start.

Thanks for watching and don’t forget to link up your creative work below!



I will be linking with:SundaySketches


manga, girl, gif

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You may, of course, also 

 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

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14 thoughts on “Drawing a manga girl in Photoshop – WIP”

  1. Love your Manga girl and would love to know how you make her go through the changes as you progress to your “art”. Safe travels hope there will be fun mixed in with your work.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  2. well that was so cool to see!!! Wow – how’d you do that? Is it a gif? I’m just loving this anime style. It’s so unique and refreshing. And love the pink hair. 🙂
    I am calling it Art. I consider pretty much everything I do practice, and I still call it Art. So yours is definitely ART.
    Don’t worry about rushing to comments! We come to see this very fine work – we know it takes time to create it.

  3. I always look forward to my Sunday’s when I come to your page Claudia! This was fun to watch and it is most certainly art! People view art in various forms and anything that you worked with you own two hands and created be it on paper, or computer or sand or concrete, etc… is art in my most humble opinion. This is awesome!

  4. Am enjoying seeing your magna girl each week. She is so cool. Not until I started visiting your blog had I even heard of a magna girl. How in the world you have gotten the picture to change it colors and even the perspective is awesome. You are SO good at this. Keep it up. Can;t wait to see next week’s contribution.

  5. Oh she is fabulous….I love how she magically changes her clothes in our midst…really is good art and so much fun!! Enjoy your trip!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. How does it go? Art is in the eye of the beholder? Well, I behold this as art. Pretty much anything you do is art in my mind. Really love seeing all you come up with… Hope you can mix a little pleasure in with that business trip! I’m currently eating a Kinder Country that my aunt and uncle just brought with them from Germany. My fave. 🙂


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