One good thing

“Every day may not be good… but there’s one good thing in every day!” ~ Alice Morse Earleonegoodthing-button

onegoodthing week #10

I really wanted to do a long – good – post for today, really, my intentions were good.

But I did not make them happen.

But trust me, there have been a few good things last week. No disasters at work, or at home. I did quite a bit of drawing and painting (I’ll show some of it in a later post – probably) and David is making a lot of progress with our Witch game. Basically we are working on getting rid of a few kinks and improving areas of 1) not-so-good coding and 2) not-so-good drawing.

And I am feeling we are getting close to calling it ‘good enough’ or #onegoodthing. Hence below a little gif of the new goblin shuffling along 🙂


#onegoodthing is a collaboration between Susi of Bocafrau and Leslie aka RoryBore of Ink Interrupted and myself. Together we are hosting this weekly link up to remind ourselves of and surround us with some positive thoughts. We invite you to join us and link your blog posts, flickr or instagram photos below and if you are on twitter, or instagram for that matter, don’t forget to tag your tweets with #onegoodthing.

[Tweet “The Monday #linkup party #OneGoodThing – spreading lots of positive words, starting every Sunday night with @RoryBore @Bocafrau”]

 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

Please also help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:


I hope that over time we will be building a community dedicated to art and creating. I rather like these words said by Andy Warhol:


Don’t think about making art, just get it done.

Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. 

While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You may, of course, also [et_bloom_inline optin_id=”optin_3″]

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


7 thoughts on “One good thing”

  1. HA! That elf is too cute! Glad to hear things are “shuffling” along on that subject. I have no one good thing to report really other than I made it through another week of tax season without (a) blowing my brains out or (b) attempting to do the same to anyone else. LOL

    • It’s goblin, Debbi!!!! Not an elf 😉 Things are moving along, but I think I need to get a handle on David. He seems to want to improve and improve and improve and never finish – sigh – I guess that was to be expected, but…
      I think it is a good thing you succeeded 🙂

  2. oh my gosh, I love the little shuffling goblin! He needs a name. Shuffles?? Doesn’t sound too ominous or scary. I may have to think on it. My girls would probably just name him Gobby. It’s that easy for them. LOL
    I meant to do a longish post today too, but time was short due to all our other creativity at home — I think I kinda got mid-length. But like you, it is all good things keeping me busy. 🙂

    • He is quite funny, isn’t he?! He doesn’t have a name. Gobby? Hmm, reminds me of Harry Potter.
      I guess that is how things go. When you intend to do a long post, it ends up being short and vice versa. Oh well, it is life.

  3. It’s wonderful to spread that one good thing. So much of my good thoughts are on the great NYC weekend I had, and on Parker’s homecoming. I can’t wait to go to NJ and squeeze him immediately.
    The goblin rocks. I want one.


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