Perfect for Valentine’s Day – an illustration in red tones


Welcome to Friday on my blog

I finally did it. I updated the homepage of my website!

Woohoo! Have a look. Go on. I will still be here when you come back. What do you think? Too much? Too fast? Too…?

Other than that I have news and news. As  I mentioned in my last post I wanted to make a video of one of my creations from beginning to end. And I had it all on film last Sunday. But then, disaster struck.

I guess I will never really know what happened or how, but fact is, I had all filmed on my iPhone and then transferred to my Dropbox on my desktop. But then the next morning half of the film clips were gone. Or more like, they were encoded wrong i.e. no longer .mov files, I don’t know. All I know is that what I had worked for all Sunday, was gone. It sucked. Big time.

It also means that I will have to start over again this weekend. And I will.

So, for now I will also be joining the McGuffy’s Reader and Friday Friendly Fill ins. I hope you’ll enjoy.

  1. My favorite kind of cookie is Sea Salt Caramel, white chocolate, macademia nuts.
  2. I have no clue, who would play me in a movie about my life, you tell me, please?!
  3. Love is one of a kind.
  4. For Valentine’s Day, I have no plans or expectations at all. Being from Germany I never celebrated it




If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

An acrylic illustration in red

in my sketchbook with gel pen added

17 thoughts on “Perfect for Valentine’s Day – an illustration in red tones”

  1. Claudia, your homepage is nice. I always like how you have the slide presentation at the top. The only thing is if I’m visiting looking for your current post I’m not sure where to go. lol For instance, today’s post? I found it by checking the Fill-ins linky party. 🙂 Isn’t Valentine’s Day celebrated in Germany? Your favorite cookie choices sound yummy, especially the Sea Salted Caramel. Do you have a recipe or is this something you buy? Have a funtastic weekend, my friend!

  2. Good job on the home page. I love the big changing header. It loaded a tad slow for me but that could be because of my iPad – it’s slowing down as I have an older generation and I noticed on my kids new ones that they load a lot faster. Sorry to hear about your “lost” movie. That’s really a bummer… I hate when I’ve been working on something and then it all disappears. Ugh.
    I’m not a huge fan of Valentine’s Day either – Corey calls it a Hallmark holiday, created by a company for consumer consumption. Feel the love in the air. 🙂 xoxo

  3. Wow, the simplicity is dazzling … and the colors are striking. This is a perfect “not celebrating it” valentines illustration. I say the question isn’t who should play you in your life movie, but who would you like it to be. I know Audrey Hepburn should have played my mother, but haven’t settled on anyone for me yet. Sorry about your disaster … I have had things disappear on me as well and it is sooooo frustrating. Hope you are able to recreate it … who knows maybe it will turn out better than the first ::) Happy Valentines Day to you anyway …

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  4. Such vibrant colourful gorgeous illustration and homepage. I feel your pain with the loss because I somehow and I’m still not sure how… managed to delete a whole 800+ photos out of a file on my phone. The air was blue and I have to admit I still sulk if I think about it too much!
    Happy PPF to you…. we tend not to celebrate Valentine’s in this house either 😀

  5. Oh, I love the new artwork! It is such a treat to come here, always. The cookies sound like some that Bill would love. The one to play you in a bio. would have to be someone strong and creative. Maybe Drew Barrymore? I like her. Her autobio was really good, too. I wish you & your sweetie lots of love. Happy Valentine’s Day! Hugs.

  6. super cheery piece of art Claudia!! Sorry to hear about your film disaster-always so frustrating after all that work. I know nothing about any kind of coding or HTML so I don’t think I could ever attempt to film a process. best luck next time around. Happy PPF!

  7. Love the graphic. I need to try that cookie!! Love anything sea salt and caramel. Oh no about your film!! You know I am with you on the technology problems. I’m finally back to commenting places and have a lot of catching up to do!


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