Reflection Photos

songographyUpside down by Jack Johnson is Kathy’s song at You’ll-shoot-your-eyes-out Song-ography this week. Kathy warned us that there will be newer songs around, so here we go, I like a good mix. I have never heard this song before. Now I did and got to admit, it is not my cup of tea. I guess it is an o.k. song, just not for me. So, I did not really delve into the lyrics of the song, but simply stuck to its title for my post today.

Our whole world is very upside down – when seen in reflection photos. It is another one of our world’s phenomena that never seizes to fascinate me. Along with, to name a few: Clouds, sunrise, sunsets and waves.

Last Sunday when I was in the Arboretum shooting some more flowers, dogwood and leaves (you can see the maple leaf edition here), I stumbled across this cute little pond. It actually has goldfish in it. But the Japanese Red Maple hung over it and along with the fading sunlight made for a great reflection paired with nice bokeh.


Here is another one from last Sunday. I told you I took photos of dogwood blossoms. And when I turned around to walk on to another tree, I stopped dead and was looking at this beauty. Another remnant from the last downpour.20140511-005

This one here is an older picture that I actually snapped with my iPhone. During a rain always the same puddle forms on our street, or driveway. Seen at the right angle and the right time of day, it also catches wonderful reflections. In this case the streetlamp + ghostly looking bare branches.Camera 360

This pond in Kittatinny Valley State Park makes for great pictures, almost all year round. I say ‘almost’, because we are only going to Kittatinny when the weather is warm enough for bicycling. But it is probably always great for photography. And fishing, too, as we learnt the other weekend. By the way – snakes like the water there, too. I have seen some around here on more than one occasion.20140517-023

And last, but not least another pretty big puddle in a parking lot made for this photo. I bet there were quite a few people driving past wondering what I was doing.


You don’t need to wonder what I’ll be doing next Sunday. It is right here at Song-ography that you can find me. Why don’t you join us?

Or you can follow me on facebookgoogle+ and twitterif you prefer and see what I come up with (to another song I don’t know yet). You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here.

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18 thoughts on “Reflection Photos”

  1. Oh that lamp post one!! Love it.
    I love taking reflection pictures — it’s such a challenge, but when you get it just right – like you have here – it’s so fantastic.
    It’s like a picture; with a bonus in it. 🙂

    • Thank you, Lilith. I really love it when I see a good reflection and make every effort to catch it. That lamp post – I still remember that I was standing at the kitchen window, chopping stuff for dinner and then it hit me, let the knife go, grabbed the iPhone and ran outside 🙂

  2. I love reflection shots. Sometimes I get them well, and other times I seem to do better with just people reflections.
    Kittatinny, eh? I was born and raised in New Jersey near a Kittatinny Regional High School. I wonder if they’re near other. I’m from Morris County but my parents now live in Warren and near Sussex.

    • Thank you, Tamara. You are right, they don’t always work well, but when they do…
      Sounds like ‘our Kittatinny’ – I am in Morris County and Kittatinny is in Sussex, so there you go 🙂


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