How to transform a simple Spring Flower photo

  Welcome to my s~A(R)T~urday linky party – today:  Spring Flower Art

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.

~ Andy Warhol ~

Today, I am actually sticking to photos. Specifically a nice spring photo I took a week or two ago with my iPhone. This one here. The first one is straight out of the camera, cropped square and the second one my Instagram version.

spring, flower, blossom, pink

spring, flower, blossom, pink

After some time or specifically last night I thought to make use of my many editing apps on my iPhone. While indulging myself in the pure luxury of enjoying a bubblebath ‘just because’, I edited the top photo. First I ran it multiple times through an app called Decim8.

I then layered some of those edits in Photoshop Touch. The end result was missing something so I opened it in Matter and added the shapes to it.

And this is my final piece.

art, spring, flower, blossom, pink

To top it off, I used this photo’s evolution as my first published post in the Steller story telling app. Are you on Steller? If you are connect with me here. And if you are not check it out, it is quite fun browsing through all the stories.

Have a great weekend!




 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

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33 thoughts on “How to transform a simple Spring Flower photo”

  1. Beautiful pictures both before and after. I LOVE playing with filters (as you already know). You never know what will happen because there is so much in the background that can affect it all. Light, colors, etc. You have reminded me that I have not had a bubble bath in forever and I think I shall get some bubbles that the grocery store today!!

    • Yes, I know, Debbi. And since you have a smart phone and like using it, maybe you should think of adding one or two editing apps on it? I really love playing with that when I am e.g. waiting in a doctor’s office or on a plane or… in a bubble bath. Yes, I find it relaxing. I hope you got the bubbles and enjoyed them!

  2. Ahhh, a relaxing bubble bath and a cell phone … must be heavenly 🙂 You have so many apps on your phone … do you use cloud? My phone is so full of pictures most of the time that I don’t have room for apps. I would be curious how you get away with it. Your Evolution is fascinating, by the way. I love that final blast 🙂

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    • It WAS heavenly, Andrea. Maybe you should try it 🙂 Well, yes, I do use cloud. For back up of my home computer (lots and lots and lots of BIIIIIG photos), I also have my personal cloud and I use icloud – hmm, maybe I am living in the cloud… But the thing is, my phone is the 128 GB iPhone6, I have about 1200 photos on it now, but storage is still half empty. On the other hand, I am usually transferring my phone photos to my computer when I get to about 1000. Which reminds me that I should probably do that now. I am also trying to be a bit more mindful 1) which photos I take 2) how many I take or re-take and 3) which ones I keep, right on my phone i.e. I am deleting some out-takes right away. This makes it way easier later. Trust me – I know how it is to be overwhelmed by photos…

      • You have a good point … I seem to be remiss when it comes to being mindful about what pictures I take and most of all deleting those that I will never use. Sometimes when I am sitting in a doctors office waiting for somebody, I go through my phone pics and my e-mails, but that doesn’t seem to do the trick. I take way more than I delete 🙂 I may just have to get more storage on my phone, ha! Once again, love your process in Evolution and the results are stunning!


  3. I enjoy seeing your thought processes as much as your creative processes. Again, it is amazing how you “work”. And thank you for sharing. Hugs.

      • I especially enjoy the thought process, what makes you do what you you, what you envision. You are a favourite creative energy.

        • Now that is some food for thought right there, Annie, thank you. You are more of an inspiration to me than, I am sure, you are giving yourself credit for. I’ll be back checking out your final A2Z post, but first I need to kick someone out of bed – hahaha – have a great Sunday!

  4. I love these photo edits and I love editing photos on my phone. I honestly enjoy using the mobile apps so much more than using LR or Photoshop on the computer. And I’m ok with that. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed that bubble bath. I’m very much looking forward to one once we get home. Enjoy your weekend!!!

    • I knew you would love it since I know that you love editing (everything e.g. blog) on your mobile devices, too. We’re pretty similar in that respect :). But I definitely would not want to miss my LR or PS, no no no! There is a time and reason for all these options.
      I bet you are looking forward to your new home, I knew I would, no matter how many good times I have had in the current one. Hope you’re having a good trip back home!

  5. This is so awesome!! I love that you shared the whole process with us, and of course the evolution and final product are all gorgeous. This gives such fantastic inspiration as I was at a total loss the past couple of weeks as to What To Do with the hundreds of photos on my computer?!!! How do you re-invent a simple photo of a bloom? The sunset? But as you have capably demonstrated: there are no limits to what you can do. Awesome. I am determined to expand the boundaries of creativity! 🙂
    Except today, because I sorta fangirled all over my blog. It was due – I have not the heart to apologize. LOL

    • I am thinking that maybe I should be sharing these ‘works in progress’ more often, we’ll see. You and me both, being at a loss with photos, inspiration etc. That is exactly when ‘just doing’, ‘just trying’, ‘just playing’ comes along. And that is when the use of simple apps is a massive help, because you don’t really do much until inspiration sparks. Which for me was when I started layering in PS.
      I cannot wait to see what you come up with when you expand your creativity’s boundaries since it is already soooo boundless.

  6. Claudia, WOW, cool process of steps that gave you an interesting piece of photoart. I would not have guessed it all started with a spring blooms image, though. Thanks for sharing your how-tos for us to learn from. You’re the bomb! Enjoy your weekend!!

    • Hahaha – surprise!! That’s the fun in photo editing, when you are taking it a step further from reality. I really like exploring that, as you know. Thanks, Cathy. I hope you are having a great weekend, too.

  7. The before pictures are great. So many colors altogether. I am still not an applover kind of girl.The phone screen is too small for me to see anything properly.But of course we always have Photoshop to play with- on a proper computer i mean 🙂 How long did it take to modify the whole photo? And how do you store the edited images? Are they all on the phone or can you save them elsewhere on the internet? Have a great weekend Claudia.

    • There’s always that, the small screen. I have had instances when I was surprised (in the bad way) about how an edited picture looked once I saw it on the big screen – oops! I can hardly imagine life without Photoshop – hahaha
      That’s the thing about apps, it is quick (and dirty). All in all it took maybe 20 minutes? Storage is not an issue really. I have 128 GB on my phone + a cloud storage plan. But I also transfer all photos regularly to my hard drives at home.

  8. Hi Claudia, I love what you have done with the photo. I do enjoy having fun editing a photo, although mine rarely turn out as dramatic as yours! Can I ask… When you layer photos, do you layer different edits of the same photo?


    • Hi Debbie, of course, you may ask. It honestly always depends on which mood strikes me. In this case I think I have only used different versions of the Decim8 edits + the original etc. and not duplicated the same image, but to be sure I would have to go back into the psd file. But I do it quite often that I duplicate layers and use a different blend mode. And remember to mask (or erase) parts of layers if you don’t like them.

  9. I’m a great fan of photo-editing, but I really loved your first photo of the flowers, so fresh and sunny and joyful.
    It’s amazing what you did with this photo and the last two edits with the spiky bits were terrific, you would never know what the original had been.

    • Thank you so much, Sheila. I love playing around with editing. On any kind of screens, iPhone, iPad or Computer, doesn’t matter. It doesn’t hurt if the original photos is a good one, but honestly for editing this ‘destructively’ it could be total garbage – lol

  10. I like the abstract effect of the edited version. it looked like something I used to do, abstract and yet, not quite.

    thanks for your visit to my blog, have a lovely day.

    • I love abstracts. The thing is, I just cannot stick to one thing, I can’t. I love abstracts, manga, cubism, surrealism etc. etc. all of it. Just like I love to draw, paint, take photos and edit – sigh – there’s just not enough time 🙂


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