Spring is here!

Yes, spring is here! It has definitely arrived in Northern Jersey. But it is still too cold. For spring and for my taste. However, I was very surprised that, when I took a little detour to the Arboretum Frelinghuysen after work yesterday, to see that some of the magnolia trees have already withered. While others are only showing the first signs of their beautiful bloom. But there were quite a few fruit trees in full bloom. And big bees were swarming doing there spring duty. Some were even nice enough to let me take their pictures.

Spring is here!

spring, flower, typography, quoteBee, spring, Cherry bloom

bee, cherry, blossom, spring_________________________________________________________

And now for the Friday Four Fill ins ~ here is from Hilary’s blog:

Okay, you know the deal – Each week, I list four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me  . If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is William from The Devil Speaks!  I REALLY NEED STATEMENTS!

This week’s statements:

feelingbeachiebutton 200x200

1) I sometimes require a lot of Me-Time, sometimes split into small(er) sections, like the half hour or so in the arboretum yesterday taking these pictures.

2) Sometimes I wonder if I will ever settle down. As in for the rest of my life.

3) It is very unusual but I am still feeling pretty tired these days.

4) Is it illegal to shoot somebody else’s boss, who is politically smart, but otherwise…?

*Disclaimer* – this is, of course, a rhetorical question, as it sure is illegal and I don’t like weapons or violence* 😉

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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!

14 thoughts on “Spring is here!”

  1. These are gorgeous pictures, Claudia. I, especially love the middle one with the shades of pink. I tried shooting a bee last weekend on a tree, but my exposure was was too under. I haven’t tried using Fotor to lighten it to see, if that helps any. I wish I had gotten it right the first time. Thanks for stopping by. Have a blessed Easter weekend! {{hugs}} PS: Did you say you have Photoshop? If so, is it Photoshop Elements?

    • Hi Cathy, I thought one or the other might pick the middle photo 🙂 Yes, these get easily underexposed due to the usually bright background e.g. white leaves, sunny sky. I usually use manual exposure or compensate on A(perture priority) by dialing the +button to get it right in camera. Lightening it in post will work to an extent, depending on how much it is too dark.
      Yes, I have Photoshop, not Photoshop Elements. Although, if I were to buy it new, I would probably get PE. The new versions do really almost all you or I will ever need – IMO. But back when I got it, PE was very limited and now I simply stuck with PS. Are you thinking of getting it? It is so much fun. But also pretty addicting. Then again, you already are addicted to your other photo programs 😉
      You have a wonderful Easter, too!

  2. Love the pics with the blossoms and bees buzzing about! I try to carve out some me time every day too – even if it is just some time soaking in a bubble bath… 🙂 Happy weekend and Frohe Ostern!!!

    • Exactly what I mean by me-time. It doesn’t have to be an expensive spa getaway (although I wouldn’t mind), but just time to yourself and for yourself – very important.
      Dir und Deiner Familie auch Frohe Ostern!

    • Glad you like the photos, Rachael. Rest is overrated – or so they say. Who is ‘they’ anyway? 🙂 I think Judy has a point in that tiredness in spring is the hangover of winter. You have a good weekend, too!

  3. beautiful!! I cannot wait for my garden to be in bloom this year. I got some pretty good pictures in previous years with my iPhone — but I can’t wait to see what my Canon can do!
    I am very tired today too. A whirlwind of cleaning, organizing, shopping, driving, parties, easter hunts, company, church and Easter lunch.
    that’s just 2 days. Pretty sure you have a picture of a giant margarita around here somewhere that I am going to find and drool over.

    • I foresee a flood of flower and bug photos coming our way this summer 😀 But it is all good. I love taking and seeing those pictures myself. With the zoom on your Canon lens you will be able to get awesome pics. FYI – the ones above were all taken with a normal 50 mm only, I love the bokeh that little lens produces…
      I can imagine you’re tired and I hope the discovery of my margarita sorbet helped 😉


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