My first surreal photo manipulation for s~A(R)T~urday w/linky

Welcome to the weekend. Welcome to Saturday art linky


“To create one’s own world takes courage.” Georgia O’Keeffe

Here is what I have created – 6 years ago! One of my very first tries at surreal photo manipulation for s~A(R)T~urday w/linky.

Now it is your turn. Share with us what you have created lately or some time ago.

oz, composit, desert, future

(click the image to see more details)

 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

If you feel like spreading the word about my Saturday Art Linkup, please grab my badge below:


Since this is a new link up I think I will leave my little explanation up in this post . There are actually three reasons behind my offering this opportunity to showcase your art a little.

  1. I love art, see and experience, fantasize and dream, live and create it
  2. For a long time I wanted to create my own link up. One that represents – me, in a creative sense, of course, = art
  3. A while back there used to be a photo art link up I participated in a few times, but Bonnie (Photo Art Friday) is taking an extended break

There are link ups out there on the web it is mind-boggling. You can get seriously lost in any number of them. While they can be a big time sucker they are also always a lot of fun. Behind each link up there usually is – at some point – a dedicated community. One that over time I am hoping to build with my link up, too. Please don’t be intimidated that I am calling this an art linky. Simply share some of your creations. Art is completely subjective. It takes courage and time to realize that you may actually call your own creations art. And if you believe they are pieces of art, I believe they are. They may be good or bad or great – who am I to say?! I’d rather like to think along these words from Andy Warhol:

Don’t think about making art, just get it done.  Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it.  While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

Having said that I want this link up to be open to all arts. Yes, my personal medium is photography and photo art, which is what you will be getting from me. But I do not want to put a limit on my art link up and thus it is open to all forms of (somewhat) visual art. I am saying somewhat, as it has to be able to be displayed in a digital way here on the website. That does include


– yes, straight out of the camera is fine, too – as long as you think it is art –

photo art

– edited, enhanced, destroyed, composited – whatever – as long as you think it is art –


– I don’t have the words to describe this one, but… – as long as you think it is art –

painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, ceramics, design, crafts, video, graphic design… everything!

– as long as you think it is art – it is art – show it!

[inlinkz_linkup id=500536 mode=1]

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here or you may follow my blog with Bloglovin or my preferred reader Feedly.

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


18 thoughts on “My first surreal photo manipulation for s~A(R)T~urday w/linky”

  1. I don’t understand why, but my immediate thought was Ozymandias by Shelly. “Half sunk, a shattered visage lies,”…. An otherwordly (is that a word?) and fantasy feel too. Love it!

  2. Hey there, I’m new to your blog but I’m excited to have found it. I love all your images. They are just fantastic and inspiring. I loved the link up and joined for the 1st time too. I plan on participating each week, since I love that’s it all about art & creativity, however we see it.

    • Hey Sera, so great that you have found your way here and decided to stay and come back for future link ups. I will sure be checking out your site. Just bear with me a week or so as I am on vacation right now and got the post(s) scheduled. Just quickly checking in every now and then on comments for now, but I promise to be back soon.

  3. oh it’s like it’s coming right out of the picture! very cool.
    I like the desert sand, it looks so real and the blazing sun – I can almost feel the heat and squint my eyes.
    So I am home. I forgot to take my camera to my parents house, but I have a couple of things I have been working on that I will try to put finishing touches on. Hopefully I will be back by tomorrow! 🙂

    • You know, it IS real, Leslie. Those pictures of the sun and the desert sand were taken some years ago while living in Germany when we went to Egypt for our windsurfing a few times. And, of course, there is lots of sand there, too, besides beautiful water.
      I hope you are getting around to being at least a little bit creative in your busy world these days!

  4. Wow, I remember the day you took this photo. We had to walk miles through the desert to get there, and then found the city abandoned. Not our finest vacation, but at least the photo came out well.

  5. Oh snap, Claudia! What a super cool photo! I absolutely love it!! You are truly inspiring and creative. That’s why I give to you the VERY INSPIRING BLOGGER AWARD. 😀 Stop by today & claim it! WOW, I need to try create my own photo art! But, can I do it? I’m a little scared, but I will definitely give it a go when I can work it into my schedule. Have a good day, my friend!


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