Sure thing – enjoy!



I’ll try my ‘skill’ again at

Six words – phew, almost failed already

From our weekend in Birch Bay 🙂

Sparkling fire roasting s’mores after sundown

Sparkling Fire & S'mores

Unique cloud towering tall overlooking mountains

 Unique Cloud

Reflections in the ocean’s still waters


Enjoying a nice glass of red



And now for the Friday Four Fill ins ~ here is from Hilary’s blog:feelingbeachiebutton 200x200
  1. If I am having a glass of red then I will be having a relaxed evening.
  2. San Diego reminds me of Melbourne.
  3. I think of my Dad when I think of the ocean in Denmark.
  4. His love & trust is the most special thing David has given me.

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28 thoughts on “Sure thing – enjoy!”

  1. Your 6 Words was so fun. Each photo was perfect for the captions. I really enjoyed them. It seemed like a magical vacation. I’ve been to San Diego but not Melbourne.
    Funny but a lot of us thought of our dads in the various statements.

    • Thanks, Ida. The idea to use the 6 words like this came to me spontaneously, but I may have to employ it again. Because the more stressed I am the less I can find words and rather speak through pictures.

    • Gosh, it has been so long that I have been to San Diego and Melbourne even longer, but I distinctly remember how they felt similar to me. I wish I were back in either one of them, escaping our dooming winter. You should really check out Melbourne if you ever get the chance. Do not only go to Sydney!

  2. Your photographs make me want to pack up and head to Birch Bay. It seems a far cry from Mumbai where I am visiting for four months. No hint of autumn here…monsoon rains and heat!! And, sad to say, though there is a wine industry but I don’t find anything that can compare with even the least worthy of Napa vintages. That’s what I get for living in the San Francisco area for 35 years. I’ll be back for Christmas.

    My post and six words are about one of the kitties where I am renting a room in Mumbai.

    • Hi Carmen, I am very sure that Birch Bay is way (!) different from Mumbai. And I bet there are lots of wonderful things to do and see there, too.
      Wine, you know that is something. I am from Germany and I am missing my German wines – a lot. So, I know what you are talking about.
      Thanks for the visit.

    • I guess it does look like a seahorse. It sure was weird, maybe the remnants of a fire or something? I don’t know. But I had to hold the camera over my head – we were driving the Camaro open top – just to get that shot – LOL
      And, how was the Sangria? I haven’t had one in a while, actually I still have memories of it from my twenties in Spain…


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