Zen doodle and art in these crazy times

I wish I had painted more than I actually did, because when I did it was a great way to relax my mind and ease the stress.  Among other paintings, I actually did some zen-doodling, which I hadn’t done in years. I can really recommend it as an art form that anyone can do…

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Water Color Illustrations

Thanksgiving in the US is over and as mentioned in my previous post I spent the time with my US family on the west coast. Far away from all my traditional art tools, because I only took my iPadPro.

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Week #5 of Every Day Art

Today has been one of those days. Let me tell you. All I wanted to do this morning before David got up was to write a quick compilation post for week #5 of my 1-pic-a-day-challenge and then continue with one of my watercolor paintings. Unfortunately I had the weird idea that it might be the right time to look at why some of my images were displaying blurred.

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Week #4 of Every Day Art

Week #4 of my 1-pic-a-day-challenge has come and gone. Here is my compilation – seems like I missed a couple of days. To make up for it I added a picture that I haven’t published anywhere else yet

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